Message Types
The specific EDI LINE interface formats are called »converters« and are preconfigured to be »ready-to-run«. All the usual message types are offered. The most well-known are:
- DELFOR – delivery forecast
- DELJIT – delivery just-in-time
- DESADV – despatch advice message
- IFTMBC – transport booking confirmation
- IFTMBF – transport booking request
- IFTMIN – instructions of transport
- IFTSTA – status of transport
- INVOIC – invoice message
- INVRPT – inventory report
- MSCONS – metered services consumption report message
- ORDERS – purchase order message
- ORDRSP – purchase order response message
- PAYMUL – multiple payment order
- PAYORD – payment order message
- PRICAT – price catalogue message
- PRODAT – product data message
- RECADV – receipt advice
- REMADV – remittance advice
- UTILMD – utilities master data message
Additional formats are optionally available or can be individually created.
EDI LINE is completely compatible with Sage’s New Classic, Classic Line, »Sage« 50 Auftrag and »Sage« 100 (Office Line) packages. It’s also simple and immediately ready to use. And no additional converter is necessary!
In addition, EDI LINE supports the industry standard in all relevant areas and is optionally open for other commercial applications.
Bekannte Definitionen: 91.1, 91.2, 92.1, 93.2, S.93A, D.93A, D.94A, D.94B, D.95A, D.95B, D.96A, D.96B, D.97A, D.97B, D.98A, D.98B, D.99A, D.99B, D.00A, D.00B, D.01A, D.01B, D.01C, D.02A, D.02B, D.03A, D.03B, D.04A, D.04B, D.05A, D.05B, D.06A, D.06B, D.07A, D.07B, D.08A, D.08B, D.09A, D.09B, D.10A, D.10B, D.11A, D.11B, D.12A, D.12B, D.13A, D.13B, D.14A, D.14B
EDI in the Automotive Industry Automotive
For over 45 years, the automobile industry has been using EDI to exchange data electronically.
The German automobile industry uses the VDA standard for transmitting EDI data. The Automobile Industry Association (Verband der Automobilindustrie – VdA) created this standard in cooperation with the vehicle industry, suppliers, and IT companies.
At the same time, global EDI messages have slowly begun to replace the old VDA and EDIFACT formats in order to better serve increasing worldwide company interconnectedness. This development is also encouraged by the VdA.
EDI LINE now supports the new global EDI messages – in addition to the VDA standard – and is very well positioned for the future. Ours CAR LINE industry solution offers a complete automotive solution for »Sage« users.
Communication Communication
Nowadays, it is increasingly uncommon to exchange data storage devices (CD/DVD/USB drives) for EDI data. Instead, the following methods are used for fast communication:
- Internet
- X.400 (Telebox X400)
- E-Mail
- AS2
- OFTP / Odette
EDI LINE can process any type of transmitted data.
EDI LINE’s core function is data conversion. The software ensures that data can be imported and exported, thereby ensuring the frictionless exchange of data between your own ERP solution and a foreign system.
To transmit data (communication), established standard solutions from other suppliers are used. These solutions are not part of the standard EDI LINE license and must be licensed separately.
Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) is a standard governing secure message transport over the Internet. This standard was specially developed for E-commerce. Today, AS2 is one of the most used procedures for secure and reliable data transport.
The Odette File Transport Protocol (OFTP) is a network protocol for direct electronic data transmission between two communication partners. It was developed by the company Odette International.
X.400 is an email system based on the OSI model and an alternative to Internet email. The standard was released in 1984 by CCITT (today’s ITU). X.400 is often called a Message Handling System (MHS). X.400 is one of the most popular communication forms used for professional electronic data exchange, after AS2.
In Germany, X.400 is often known by its old brand name Telebox400 from the German Postal Service. Its successor, German Telekom, has renamed it BusinessMail X.400.
Subsets are EDIFACT units that include only the functions relevant for certain user groups (or industries). For EDI LINE, interface formats (converters) are available for the following subsets:
- CEFIC – Chemical industry
- EANCOM – Consumer goods industry
- Edi@Energy – Electricity and gas (only in Germany)
- EDIBDB – Building materials industry
- EDIFICE – High-tech industry
- EDIFOR – Logistics industry
- EDIFURN – Furniture industry
- EDIGAS – Grid gas industry
- EDILEKTRO – Electronics industry / Electronics wholesalers
- EDILIBE – Publishing industry
- EDIPAP – – Paper manufacturers, Paper wholesalers, Paper processing industry
- EDITEC – Sanitation industry
- EDITEX – Textile industry
- EDITRANS – Transport industry
- EDIWHEEL – Tire and wheel manufacturers (including AdHoc EDI)
- ETIS – Telecommunications (invoicing)
- ODA/ODIF – Document formats
- ODETTE – Automotive industry
- RINET – Insurance industry